
Massage Can Help Stress-Relief and Circulation

Massage Can Help Stress-Relief and Circulation

Most images of escort chengdu entail someone blissfully lying on a table looking relaxed and carefree. These images promote the stress-relieving aspect of massage. Stress-relief begins with the safe, inviting, relaxing environment provided by your massage therapist complete with dimmed lights, climate control, soothing music and a comfortable massage table. When you feel stress, the sympathetic nervous system takes action and gives you the boost you need to get things done. Daily stress can keep this system activated, slowing digestion, decreasing concentration and sleep, inducing tense muscles and leading to discomfort. The soothing touch of escort ningbo stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which essentially turns off the fight-or-flight mechanism of the sympathetic nervous system, allowing your body to relax and your mind to calm.
Decreased exercise leads to decreased circulation. Your body needs blood and lymph to circulate freely as a means of transporting nutrients, oxygen and hormones to all of its tissues and organs and for eliminating wastes. Nourished and cleansed tissues and organs function more efficiently. Massage improves circulation of blood and lymph. The strokes, stretches and movements of shanghai body massage manually move blood and lymph throughout the body. This movement helps to counteract the effects of a sedentary lifestyle caused by working at a desk, watching television or illness and injuries, which prevent movement.

